Western Dressage Tests
Western Dressage applies classical training principles—rhythm and relaxation, suppleness, connection, impulsion, straightness, and collection—to help you and your horse prepare for any discipline you choose. Lower-level tests are beginner-friendly, designed to encourage horse and rider. Progress through the levels as your skills improve. These principles and the systematic training scale helps build strength, skills and promotes a healthier, longer life for your horse.
To obtain versions of these tests to use for judging at live shows, please send an email to northamericanwd@gmail.com.
Test author: Amanda Lane-Sommer Sommer Strides Horse Training, LLC

NAWD recommends dressage tests from Friends of Sound Horses.
FOSH/IJA Tests have been specially designed for gaited horses. Got GAIT? Go FOSH!
You may also ride dressage tests from NAWD or the USEF/USDF/WDAA. If you choose to ride these tests, please substitute your horses gait for the trot or jog in each test.
You must follow the rules published by the organization that wrote the test you choose.
Do you have questions about this program? Jen Johnson will be glad to answer them.
Preparation tests are performed at the WALK-giving you the opportunity to prepare for the movements in dressage and perfect your position and aids.
Preparation tests may also be used in Equine Therapy programs with sidewalkers. Children under the age of 10 may perform these tests with the horse attached to a leadrope held by an adult.
Foundation Level (Intro):
An introduction to the discipline of dressage
- Rhythm, relaxation, and freedom of movement are key
- An elementary attempt at bend and balance is shown
- Basic acceptance of the aids, obedience
Progression (Basic):
Tests incorporate movements that further develop suppleness and balance
- Rhythm, relaxation, and freedom of movement are key
- Balance, Straightness, and Suppleness are developing
- Horse shows greater acceptance of the aids and less resistance to the bridle
Connection (First):
Tests incorporate movements that develop connection as energy from the hindquarters travels through the back & to the bit
- Rhythm, Relaxation, Steady Tempo
- Consistent Bend and Balance
- Straightness, engagement, & impulsion are developing
- Energy flows from engaged hindquarters through a supple back to a soft, steady connection to rider’s hand
Foundation is the equivalent of WDAA/USEF Introductory Level
Progression is the equivalent of WDAA/USEF Training Level
Connection is the equivalent of WDAA/USEF Level 1
We welcome tests from WDAA as well as NAWD.
If you submit WDAA tests, please follow Western Dressage Association of America/USEF regulations for Western Dressage.
USEF/WDAA tests are also included in our large class list.
You can find those tests here: