NAWD Ranch Horse Program
NAWD ranch horse tests reflect the skills a good horse has to learn to succeed on the ranch; they include horsemanship, ranch reining and ranch trail. They incorporate lateral work, speed control, turnarounds and transitions. Engagement and softness in the bridle are rewarded. Our tests were developed by Dr. Michael Guerini, Julie Slater and Mike Marquez, three trainers with a deep connection to the cowboy community and a long history on the ranch.
Tests created by Julie Slater, Rob Neale and Dr Michael Guerini, Copyright 2019

Horse accepts rider aids. Does not need to be “round” or “connected” continually. If a rein cue
is given, the horse should respond without tossing head or resisting. Horse should respond to
leg cues obediently and with confidence. Relaxation through transitions should be apparent.
Horse demonstrates lateral and vertical suppleness. Horse
demonstrates self-carriage necessary for the movements for at
least 60% of the time. Horse should be relaxed and show steady
rhythm and tempo throughout the test. Horse should be soft to
the aids.
Horse should give to aids softly and respond with alertness and
obedience. Horse should accept connection and demonstrate
relaxation throughout the test. The connection between horse and
rider should be soft and the horse should demonstrate balance
and self-carriage.
Horse should maintain balance in transitions and be able to shorten
and lengthen frame while maintaining a soft connection to the bit.
Rhythm and relaxation should be maintained throughout the ride.
Impulsion and connection at this level is progressing towards self-carriage that ultimately will
help the horse maintain straightness.
Horse should have smooth, balanced transitions through all gaits
and respond to the lightest and softest of aids. Impulsion should
be maintained during the test and the horse and rider should be
in balance and harmony for at least 70% of the test.
Demonstrates self-carriage throughout the test. Rider and horse
should be in complete harmony and balance. Rhythm, Relaxation,
Connection, Impulsion, and Straightness should be maintained at
the highest level achievable according to the conformation of the.
Jen Johnson is currently the director for this program, if you have any questions.