North American Western Dressage Judge Stephanie Burgess
Stephanie Burgess is the definition of an equestrian. Her entire life has been surrounded by and dedicated to all things equine. Stephanie boasts over 15 years of professional experience in the horse industry in and surrounding New Jersey. Born and raised in Southampton, NJ, Stephanie has been riding since she was 18 months old. A fearless and skillful young rider, she was jumping by age 3 on her beloved childhood ponies, Duchess and Star. At the age of 16, Stephanie developed an interest in Dressage. It was around this time, as well, that she began to work with the training aspects by breaking a green un-raced Thoroughbred. It was from these experiences, Stephanie’s determination for establishing a successful riding program grew.
Stephanie Burgess is not only a riding instructor, but a student herself. She pushes herself to set the example of a dedicated equestrian for all of her students, both young and old.

- ECRDA Bronze and Gold Medals
- ESDCTA Silver and Gold Medals
- USDF Bronze and Silver Medals
- USDF “L“ Judge
- OHSA Level 2 Judge
- Two Bachelor degrees, Elementary Education and Historical Studies